Automated Disc Importer


Automated Disc Importer

Coming soon…

This advanced workflow solution enables the automated importing of images and reports from outside CDs and DVDs. Quickly Import batches of discs utilizing a walk-up, touch screen interface.

Enhances Workflow

Hospitals and imaging centers are inundated with discs from outside organizations. The manual importation of data is not only very time consuming, but also very costly.

With Automated Disc Importer, organizations have the added ability of importing volumes of discs into temporary cloud-based or local storage through an automated process, eliminating the need for human intervention. Once discs are read, users may reconcile the data and import into their archive.

As an added security benefit, the Automated Disc Importer takes a photograph of every disc label that is being read for purposes of audit trail reporting. The photograph clearly identifies where the disc was created.

The Automated Disc Importer ingests medical images and reports from DICOM discs, drastically reducing time spent on manual importing.